Monday, November 1, 1999

Subscribe to the email list

What does it mean to subscribe to the email list and join?
Well, we're really just a bunch of fun guys who get together for a drink occasionally at a new, exciting location. We don't have membership fees, secret handshakes, or bizarre initiation rituals. Joining means that you periodically receive our fun-filled email newsletter, promise never to make fun of us, and agree to the terms of the BGCC (in a nutshell, you won't try suing anyone's pretty little butt).

IMPORTANT TIP for getting the email newsletter!!!
If you use a spam filter or receive your email through an Internet Service Provider like Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo or Earthlink, please be sure to add the following sender's address to your address book or approved sender list:

If not, future issues could be accidentally filtered by your service provider in their efforts to block spam! Learn more...