Over $1600 was raised to help the AIDS Legal Council of Chicago.
Here is a wonderful thank you from the ALCC to everyone who helped make our Tropical getaway such an amazing success:
"As you know, times have been tough for everyone and non-profits like ours are especially vulnerable to the ups and downs (mostly downs) of this economy. But thanks to the support of good friends like you – friends who donate $10, $20 or even more to our small agency – we are able to keep our doors open and continue providing free legal help to people with HIV who have no place else to turn. That means helping our clients pay rent, buy food, get medical care, provide for their loved ones and overcome countless other obstacles to their health and stability.
For more than 20 years, ALCC has relied on the community to survive in difficult times. Thank you again for believing in our work and supporting our cause with your donations."
Be sure to check out all the hot pics on our new Facebook page:
Photos Part 1
Photos Part 2
Don't forget to mark February 12th on your calendars for our next Fabulous Season X BGCC!!
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