Thank you for making our Big Gay "Pride in the City" Happy Hour and Season 9 Finale a HUGE success.
The Drake was the perfect location for our finale. The staff was impeccable and treated us to a night of amazing food (love those cheese platters) and fabulous drinks! The Palm Court never looked so Fabulous as it did with all our hot BGCC members.
With your help we raised about $4300 for Chicago House which will go a long way towards helping them complete their new apartment building and their factory for Sweet Miss Giving's Bakery! YUMMY!
It's always sad to see another season come and go, but don't cry my pretties. Check back soon for details on our Summer Reunion Cocktail Party and a few hints about our Season 10 schedule. We promise it will be splash!!
Until then, have a safe and hot summer and don't forget to check out all our photos at Shutterfly.com!!